In its commitment to intermodal connection and sustainable transport, MLO provides access to some of the main Nature Trails of the Autonomous Community of Madrid thanks to its public transport plus bicycle combination. Evidence of this commitment is the extension of bicycle entry times by more than six hours on working days and the installation of bicycle racks at twelve of the stations, in other words, 43% of our stops already have bicycle parking.
Bicycle Parking Network (REB) is a set of bicycle parking lots located in Metro and Cercanías stations, and in marquees or intercity bus stations of municipalities in the Community.
This integration with public transport makes it easier for users to park their bicycles in the foyers or in the vicinity of the different accesses to the Transport Network of the Community of Madrid, thus encouraging intermodal transport.
MLO has joined the REB, and currently has seven stops throughout its system for those users who use the bike on a daily basis. (Consult here concrete stops).
The Nature Trails that run along the route of the ML2 and ML3 lines promote the enjoyment of nature, the practice of sport and cultural outreach to emblematic sites in towns such as Boadilla del Monte and Pozuelo de Alarcón.
You can depart either from the Light Rail line ML3 station of Ferial de Boadilla or from Boadilla Centro, accessing, in this way, the path of the Arroyo de la Fresneda or of the Ash Grove Stream.
Average. The route runs along tracks and dirt paths. You will come across some slopes and after the rainy season some small gullies and sand banks.
The outbound route runs beside the stream and the return trek along the path in front of the main façade of the Palace. From the barrier accessing the stream, you can take a circular route by bicycle or a simple return route walking through the Ash Grove Some 16 km altogether.
MLO Station Somosaguas Campus. From the platforms, you walk out onto the Pozuelo to Húmera road.
Easy. The route almost always keeps to the cycle track, roads and paths closed to traffic except in the Húmera town centre section.
One option is to leave from and come back to the Somosaguas Campus Station including a visit to the Forest Park (some 8 kms). Another option is to head in the direction of Madrid, entering the Casa de Campo via the Portillo de los Pinos, continuing towards the cable railway and from here go down to the Lago or Príncipe Pío Metro stations (some 12 Kms).
It begins and ends at the Casa de Campo metro stations.This route can be combined with other itineraries in the area such as the Cyclist’s Green Belt or through the Puerta del Rey with Madrid Río. The route can also be started from the ML2 Prado de la Vega stop.
Due to the variety of roads and paths and their undulating terrain, an average level of physical fitness and technical skill on a bicycle is needed. If you cover the route on foot, you will need over three hours to complete it.
The Casa de Campo circular route runs mainly along the park perimeter for 15.5 Kms.
We'll start the route from Príncipe Pío Station. If we choose to start from MLO, we can do it at the same point located at the Prado de la Vega stop(Kilometer 6,6) or, from the other end of the route, Boadilla Centro stop.
Average. A medium level of physical preparation is required for both walkers and cyclists. In many of the stretches of road, there are alternative footpaths along the side of the gutter to avoid traffic.
This one way route has a route of 17,5 Kms.
Where you can park your bike
Bicycle access allowed during all operating times
For further information download PDF or please, ask at the Information Points
DOWNLOAD PDFWith the aim of promoting sustainable mobility by combining healthy and ecological bicycle use with sustainability and efficiency of public transport, REB parking is free of charge.
For further information download PDF or please.
DOWNLOAD PDFAn educational activity that is comprised of diverse CSR action lines and which combines the use of the bicycle and light rail for schoolchildren from Boadilla and Pozuelo.
Knowing and respecting traffic rules, signs and other elements necessary for the co-existence of light rail, cyclists and pedestrians..
Promoting an interest in the environment and the importance of preserving air quality and restricting gas emissions.
Helping to discover the environment and promoting the importance of caring for and respecting street furniture and urban infrastructure